Manuel Schwenke M.Sc.

Working area(s)

in progress


work +49 6151 16-24671

Work S3|10 208
Landgraf-Georg-Straße 4
64283 Darmstadt

I studied electrical engineering and information technologies at TU Vienna and TU Darmstadt and specialized in the field of power engineering. Moreover, I did a second masters degree in energy science and engineering at TU Darmstadt, that included other energy related disciplines besides electrical engineering. During my studies, I worked at ABO Wind AG, where I dealt with the connection of wind farms and large-scale PV systems in MV level. In my thesis I modelled electricity and heat supply in district power systems with the focus on sizing generation and storage equipment to improve self-sufficiency and minimize expenses. Since January 2022, I have been working as a research assistant at the E5 institute.

in progess.

Central aspects in this context are:

  • in progress