Seminar: Mini-research project (ESE course)

The course is only offered according to demand. Therefore, please contact our institute before registering for the module in TUCaN.

Course Internship
Module owner Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson
Support Contact form
Work load
Credit Points
Winter and summer term
120 h
4 CP
Time -
Place -
Module Content In the ESE degree programme, mini-research projects are small, independent experimental or theoretical research projects on current topics in energy science or energy technology. The topic is agreed independently with a research staff at our institute.
Competences The learning targets are the following:
  • Modelling of different electrical power supply systems with selection of appropriate modelling technique in each case.
  • Selection of static & dynamic simulation techniques with understanding of the concrete simulation processes.
  • Understanding of the mode of action of various operating resources in the electrical power supply system, in particular the mode of action of renewable energies in the power grid.
  • Ability to interpret the results in the context of the fundamental question and the modelling.
Prerequisites none
Material The materials are provided by the supervisor of the mini-research project (registration and approval with the required!). After approval, the students are registered for the respective module in TUCaN by the study office. Independent registration in TUCaN is not possible for the mini-research projects.
Exam Module final examination (report and/or presentation)
The type of examination will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Guest lectures, Excursions -