Marcel Böhringer M.Sc.

Working area(s)

Technical and economic analysis of (partially) self-sufficient power grids


work +49 6151 16-24672

Work S3|10 212
Landgraf-Georg-Straße 4
64283 Darmstadt

I studied industrial engineering at Technical University of Darmstadt, already specialising in the field of electrical power engineering during my bachelor's programme. While studying for my Master's programme, I spent a semester abroad at Tongji University in Shanghai and worked as a working student at ENTEGA AG in Darmstadt. I wrote my master's thesis at the E5 department as part of the “PHI-Factory” research project. Since January 2019, I have been working as a research associate at the E5 department.

The integration of decentralised generation plants is presenting grid operators with increasing challenges. An effort that can be seen here are regional initiatives for the expansion of renewable energies. With their ambitious goals, these are a significant driver of the energy transition and regionally exceed the expansion goals of the German federal government significantly.

My research focus is dedicated to the technical and economic analysis of (partially) self-sufficient power grids. These are able to supply themselves temporarily and thus strengthen subsidiarity and cellular design in the distribution grids. The further development of planning criteria in this area offers grid operators the opportunity to identify corresponding grid sections and thus integrate alternative methods in addition to conventional grid expansion in order to relieve the overlaid grid infrastructure. Grid expansion planning can thereby be driven forward in line with needs.

Central aspects in this context are:

  • Planning criteria for the design of (partially) self-sufficient power grids
  • Required storage and system costs for a higher degree of (partial) self-sufficiency
  • Needs-based level of (partial) self-sufficiency, in terms of technical and economic efficiency