Seminar: Project Seminar Electrical Power Supply

The course is only offered according to demand. Therefore, please contact our institute before registering for the module in TUCaN.

Course Project Seminar
Module owner Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jutta Hanson
Support Contact form
Work load
Credit Points
Winter and summer term
180 h
6 CP
Time -
Place -
Module Content Getting to know a research-oriented topic from the field of electrical power supply under guidance (if necessary in a team) including a written elaboration and/or a presentation on the topic. Developing a solution to a given project topic.
Possible topics can be found in theses.
Competences The learning targets are the following:
  • Learning basic knowledge (literature, terminology) on a research-oriented topic
  • Summarising the results of the project
  • Logical and concise presentation of the results in a report
  • Presentation and discussion of the subject-specific topic in front of a group
Prerequisites -
Material The materials will be provided by the supervisor of the proseminar (registration via TUCaN required!)
Exam Module final examination (report and/or presentation)
The type of examination will be announced at the beginning of the course.
Guest lectures, Excursions -